PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR'S MESSAGE I am writing to welcome you to the new academic year and to share some updates on our programs and activities. We have a lot of exciting opportunities and challenges ahead of us, and I hope you are all ready to learn and grow together. I look forward to meeting you soon and hearing your ideas and feedback. Thank you for choosing our department and for being part of our community.
On completion of the programme, the graduates will be able to:
•Apply multidisciplinary knowledge and skills for the development and management of off-grid energy systems;
•Carry out research to generate new knowledge to support decision making for increased clean energy access by the off-grid community;
•Apply business and entrepreneurial skills to setup viable businesses and create jobs in energy access sector;
•Develop policies and regulations relevant for enhancing clean energy access by the off-grid community;
•Competently deploy the relevant soft skills required for increased energy access while engaging with the energy access sector stakeholders.
Dr. Collins Okello
Project Principal Investigator and Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment